Building your own MAME machine

Hi, I came accross this cool video by MetalJesusRocks on how to create your own MAME machine. I really wanted to share this one. I think these guys are rather funny ;-), and are handy in reaching their goal. This is something i also want to do in the future, just to play games like…

Retropals on Instagram

Hi guys, We just created an Instagram account and will be sharing pictures of our retro gaming adventures directly to you. Please add/follow us and share your best pics with the Retropals: Just another way of expanding our participation in the retro video game scene, which we all love, right? Our first Insta-pic has already…

Retropals updates

As you notice we are still giving the blog it’s final shape and make a few changes here and then pretty often. Recently we changed the music blog post to a seperate page where we will bring you new music along the way. So keep your eyes out for new stuff there and enjoy what’s…

Hey Retropals, what’s coming?

Hi guys, Those who are following our Facebook and Twitter page – if you don’t, please do so – noticed we had a good and busy retro gaming week. The original plan for me, AuronnBE, was to post about my Final Fantasy collection this week. I was planning to put it all together and tell you…

1Life RetroRun: The Utimate Doom (PC)

I remember it like it was yesterday. It was somewhere around 1994. I went to my friend’s house, because he called me up and wanted to show me something amazing on his 386DX. He said he had installed a shareware version of a game called “DOOM”. I thought to myself, that’s a cool name, so…

1Life RetroRun – Mega Man X (SNES)

This blog is becoming more and more of a Youtube channel, maybe that’s the way we’re going. Today I’m trying to get far in Mega Man X in the second 1Life RetroRun. One of my favorite games, ever! Let’s keep this short, as the video is clearly longer than the first one: Hope you enjoyed…

The Future of Retro Gaming

“Future vs Retro, isn’t that the total opposite?” We, at Retropals, couldn’t agree less and would like to show you that the future looks bright for the community we all have in our hearts, retro video games. As you may have noticed retro gaming is on the rise and blogs, youtube channels and podcasts keep…